The 100 Deadliest Days of Summer Have Arrived

Car driving in the background with a text block saying "The 100 Deadliest Days of Summer Have Arrived."

As summer gets into full gear, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) warns drivers that each passing day brings us closer to its dreaded yearly statistic: ‘the 100 deadliest days of summer’. Unfortunately, this period between Memorial Day and Labor Day sees a significant spike in teen driver collisions due to their increased risk for distracted driving and impaired judgment.

When we consider these facts with additional statistics such as an estimated 16% increase in crashes involving teens from June to August alone compared to other months, combined with data which shows 46 % of all teen motor vehicle deaths occurred last year during this same period, it's clear why understanding the risks is so important. In light of this yearly hazard, let’s take a deeper dive into the statistics and look at some preventative measures you can put into practice today to help ensure your family’s safety while out on the road this season.

Overview of the NHTSA's “100 Deadliest Days of Summer”

The statistics regarding teen driver crashes are alarming. In 2019 alone, there were 2,118 reported fatalities involving teen drivers. Not only that but when we break this down state-by-state, we see a startling range of numbers. For example, California reported a staggering 116 teen driver fatalities, while Texas reported an even more devastating 123. Meanwhile, right here in Alabama, out of all fatal crashes reported in 2019, 8% were caused by drivers 19 years old or under, while 18 percent were caused by drivers 25 years old or under.

Tips for Parents on How to Keep Teens Safe While Driving

Every parent wants their teenage child to be safe while driving, so it is important to create an environment supporting responsible driving practices. This includes making clear boundaries and expectations for your child, the most important of which is not using their cell phone while behind the wheel. Parents should also emphasize the severe consequences of such actions and how they may affect not only their teens’ lives but the lives of others on the road.

Fortunately, several resources can provide more information and guidance on these issues. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offer informative websites covering topics such as distracted driving, impaired driving, and safe driving tips. Additionally, the American Automobile Association provides resources such as driver training programs and parent-teen driving agreements.

Contact Mike Slocumb Law Firm If You or Your Teen Has Been Injured In an Accident

During the summer months, teens have more freedom to explore and begin the journey to adulthood. But part of that journey is learning how to stay safe. Mike Slocumb Law Firm understands the importance of protecting your family, which is why our experienced car accident attorneys are here to assist you. Whether it is a case involving distracted driving or a devastating motorcycle crash, our firm promises to provide compassionate and dedicated representation. With the proper precautions and support from parents and our community, we can attempt to reduce this phenomenon entitled “100 deadliest days of summer” that has caused so many fatalities amongst young drivers in Alabama and around the country.

Schedule a free consultation today by calling (888) 302-3669or send us a message online.

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